Marc Kaminsky

Marc Kaminsky is a writer and psychotherapist in private practice. His books of poetry include The Road from Hiroshima (Simon and Schuster 1984) and A Table with People (Sun 1982). His books on aging and the culture of Yiddishkeit include The Uses of Reminiscence (Routledge 1984). He collaborated with Deena Metzger in co-editing Stories as Equipment for Living: Last Talks and Tales of Barbara Myerhoff (University of Michigan 2007).

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White text stating Shadow Traffic by Marc Kaminsky over the image of a collage of clocks, sheep, fire and people.

Shadow Traffic

Marc Kaminsky

Publication Date: August 1, 2006

$18.95 Tradepaper

ISBN: 978-1-59709-063-6




The poems and stories in Shadow Traffic are a meditation on living in the aftermath of trauma. Migrating between disparate countries of memory, the pieces collected here permit writer and reader to travel through the Bronx of Kaminsky’s childhood in the late 1940s and early 1950s; the Romanian town of Kostitchan, whose history during the Holocaust cast its long shadow on his family; the inspiring and blood-drenched year 1968; a checkpoint during the first intifada; the office in Brooklyn where, as a psychotherapist, Kaminsky accompanies the invisible guests his patients’ stories invoke and release.