Burning Tulips

“This is a remarkable memoir. As American as apple pie and incest, it is a
vivid reminder of how startling is the actuality of childhood in this country.
“Burning Tulips” is strong, moving, and direct.”—Vivian Gornick

“Here is the story of a childhood that probably won’t become a Disney
movie. In brief, unblinking scenes we see a child encounter what a child
shouldn’t have to. The young woman who emerges is not unscathed,
but she is unbroken and, amazingly, she can laugh.”—Lynne Rae Perkins

Black text stating Burning Tulips a novel by Diane Payne over a yellow background underneath a painting of a woman in a white dress posing in front of an arch in a desert.

Publication Date: May 1, 2004

Genre/Imprint: Fiction, Red Hen Press

$15.95 Tradepaper

Shop: Bookshop, Barnes & Noble

ISBN: 978-1-888996-89-0


John Sheirer’s Review

By John Sheirer (Connecticut) – See all my reviewsReviewed for Nights and Weekends by John Sheirer The nameless young girl at the center of Diane Payne's wonderful Burning Tulips is […]

Steven Hansen reviews Burning Tulips

Burning Tulips Diane Payne. Red Hen (CDC, dist.) $15.95 (156p) ISBN 978-1-888996-89-0The terms 'memoir' and 'novel' are not as easily blended as PB&J; nor do they make half as good […]