Deer Black Out

Deer Black Out is a(n obsessional re)meditation of violence and trauma through the trans/coalescence of identities surfacing and resurfacing within a manuscript of serialized poetry, influenced by HD, Zukofsky, and Ronald Johnson. It’s sort of like a body, the movement of which you can only recognize emerging within a field of static. Just the outlines. A deer! In ramifying lines, this poetry creates a self-reciprocating dialogue with the very act of self-replication. The language exists as the prosthetic support that co-creates and conditions the Baerself’s emergence into the real.


“My favorite poetry is when we get to be creative with the poet. Ulrich Jesse K Baer provides space between his corresponding brilliant ideas for us to climb into the poem with him. Arrive at this book by leaning into the gears of your imagination! Deer Black Out reminds me walking is falling and catching ourselves with our feet. I am grateful for his challenging, emotional labor—’departed, yr stanzas/my withheld image of you/thins its swung moonlight.’ Let’s get falling and catching ourselves! Let’s go upstream to Baer country! I am an enormous fan of this poet and his book!”

“Engaged on a transverse plane of psycho-physical consciousness, Ulrich Jesse K Baer is aware that the body existentially wages war for survival on a plane of societal infamy that institutionally condemns not only the book’s basic lingual anatomy but also empowers the existential scale it implies. Certainly not the static grounding that appears as chronological consequence but as living aberration.”
Will Alexander

Black text: "Deer Black Out, Poems, Ulrich Jesse K Baer" take up most of the book cover image, superimposed and intertwined with a negative color image of a deer in grass. Black laurels also indicate "Red Hen Press Benjamin Saltman Award"

Ulrich Jesse K. Baer ( Author Website )

Publication Date: April 16, 2024

Genre/Imprint: Poetry, Red Hen Press

$17.95 Tradepaper

Shop: Red Hen, Bookshop, Barnes & Noble

ISBN: 9781636281520

