
This book is a brouhaha of fun and cleverness, where many of the poems are double-edged with humor and lasting wisdom. … These poems are delivered with the perfect clarity of everyday language.—The Cafe Review

Brewer is the most consistently dark-side-of-the-moon poet around…his…athletic style exactly suits the subject.—Hugh Fox, Small Press Review (Review of Presently A Beast)

I love the edgy laughter I hear on almost every page…There’s a ‘camaraderie of betrayal, lust, and song’.—David Kirby

Gaylord Brewer

Publication Date: September 1, 1999

Genre/Imprint: Poetry, Red Hen Press

$12.95 Tradepaper

Shop: Red Hen, Bookshop, Barnes & Noble

ISBN: 1-888996-15-3


Pleiades reviews Devilfish

Gaylord Brewer Devilfish. Red Hen (CDC, dist.) $12.95 (104p) ISBN 1-888996-15-3A devilfish is one of the large rays, cousin to the manta ray and the sting ray. It is an […]