The Crucifix Is Down

As we spiral into the twenty-first century, the foundations of Western civilization are consumed, corpse-like, by fragments, decay, wind and water. By the next century, one blue alien may stand on the shores of Earth holding a skull in the wreck we’ve made of this once beautiful planet and say, “I knew them once. A fair race, a proud race.” What energy and foul nesting instinct consumes us and causes us to ruin our own home while over-populating it? Human passions and failures are the stuff of literature, the grist of good writing and none is more captivating than this monumental failure of civilization. Such is the fabric of this collection.

Short fiction by:

Henry Alcalay, Margaret Atwood, Italo Calvino, Karen J. Cantrell, Wanda Coleman, Vincent Collazo, Mark E. Cull, Keala Francis, Kate Gale, Ray Gonzalez, James Harmon, Steve Lautermilch, Ursula K. Le Guin, Alan Lindsay, Melissa Lion, Mark Magill, Dennis Must, Kate Noonan, David Pollock, Anne Randolph, Robert Reid, Jewell Parker Rhodes, Cecile Rossant, Candice Rowe, Elizabeth Ruiz, Greg Sanders, Diza Sauers, E.C. Stanley, Jordan Sudy, Joe Taylor, Jillian Umphenour, Terry Wolverton, and H.E. Wright.

White text stating The Crucifix is Down Edited by Kate Gale and Mark E. Cull over an abstract red and purple painting.

Kate Gale ( Author Website )

Publication Date: March 1, 2005

Genre/Imprint: Fiction, Red Hen Press

$17.95 Tradepaper

Shop: Bookshop, Barnes & Noble

ISBN: 1-888996-34-X