The Struggle to Adore

Advance Praise

“Alane Rollings’s large, inclusive, self-questioning poems meditate on the nature of love and its accompanying mysteries. Here at last is a moving, completely contemporary record, a book of intimate attachments and love poems.”

– Edward Hirsch

“Such energy, such passion, such desire! One sees these brought together—as here they are—but rarely. Yes, very rarely.”

– Donald Justice

“…we are saved, momentarily, by her poems that reach our lives through her singular perception … completely absorbing”

– Hayden Carruth

“… the language crackles with the electricity of wit… also rich in adumbrations of another universe of which her own work gives us breathtaking intimations”

– John Frederick Nims

“Rollings transforms us with the colors and reach of her language.”

– Colette Inez

“Every poem by Alane Rollings awakens new possibilities inside our words and inside ourselves. No voice could be more welcome now.”

– Donald Revell

“If there could be such a thing as an original heart, I’d say it informs this remarkable, stirring book. I certainly feel the magic of an original mind.”

– Stephen Dunn

Genre/Imprint: Poetry, Story Line Press

Alane Rollings

Publication Date: April 12, 2022

$20.00 Tradepaper

Shop: Red Hen, Bookshop, Barnes & Noble

ISBN: 9781586541217