
Read Donna Hemans’ essay on Ploughshares!

Date: January 4, 2021

The operator-assisted collect call comes on a July morning in 1987. It’s still early, before 9 a.m., and except for the telephone ringing, the house is quiet, my younger sister […]

UNSEEN CITY featured in GBH!

Date: January 4, 2021

Each month, Beyond The Page: A WGBH Book Club features a notable author, who takes part in a live Q&A with a WGBH personality to discuss the intricacies of that month’s novel. […]

SUBDUCTION author featured in The Rumpus!

Date: January 4, 2021

In these disunited states, containing within them many sovereign nations, we are in what Biodun Jeyifo called “arrested decolonization.” And yet, as Mukoma Wa Ngugi wrote, “The work of decolonization […]

RIFT ZONE by Tess Taylor, is a Boston Globe favorite!

Date: January 4, 2021

RIFT ZONE BY TESS TAYLOR Taylor released two books this year: a Dorothea Lange documentary project, and this collection of original poems that mine personal, California, American history, and changes […]

THE SKIN OF MEANING by Keith Flynn featured on Third Mind Books

Date: January 1, 2021

Pasadena, CA: Red Hen Press, 2020. First Edition. Softcover. “There are perfectly good explanations/ for the simultaneous risks we juggle./ There are shipyards of baubles/ and harbors that have dried up/ and martinis made up […]

AFTER RUBÉN featured in UK Morning Star Online

Date: December 14, 2020

My list of the best Latinx poetry published this year includes After Ruben (Red Hen Press), a stunning collection of poems by Francisco Aragon, inspired by another of Latin America’s greatest poets […]

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Hobart Pulp interviews Chelsea Clammer

Date: January 31, 2018

Thank you Hobart Pulp for this insightful interview with Chelsea Clammer, author of Circadian. “Essays seem to encourage digression and tangents, and you do such a great job of managing […]

The Baltimore Sun covers Ron Koertge

Date: January 29, 2018

Ron Koertge is in the news again, this time in The Baltimore Sun, for his poem “Negative Space,” which inspired the Oscar-nominated animation. “Porter, 36, who has been collaborating with […]

CBS Baltimore mentions Ron Koertge

Date: January 29, 2018

Big thank you to CBS Baltimore for not forgetting that "Negative Space," the Oscar-nominated animation, was inspired by Ron Koertge's prose poem of the same name.

Bad Stories receives a starred review by Booklist

Date: January 18, 2018

We're excited that Steve Almond's Bad Stories is the recipient of a starred review by Booklist. The full review will appear in the February 15th edition of Booklist, but here's […]

CIRCADIAN gets rave review from Reader Views!

Date: January 18, 2018

Huge thanks to Reader Views for this fantastic review of Chelsey Clammer’s CIRCADIAN! “If you read just one essay collection this year, make it “Circadian” by Chelsey Clammer.” Read the […]


Date: January 4, 2018

Huge thanks to Rain Taxi for this fantastic review of t’ai freedom ford’s HOW TO GET OVER, calling it “a courageous and brilliant book… [that] interweaves personal life and American […]

CrossTown by Loren W. Cooper

Date: January 3, 2018

Straight out of the Bewitching Book Tour, blogwriter Anie wrote a snappy review of CrossTown by Loren W. Cooper. “

Book Review: In June the Labyrinth

Date: December 4, 2017

Anne Kaier provides a deep look into the emotional depth of Cynthia Hogue’s In June the Labyrinth, citing “one of the more penetrating of ways to speak to the dead […]

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