
Books Coming Out in September

Date: September 3, 2020

We Need to Talk by Jennifer Risher When Jennifer Risher joined Microsoft in 1991, she met her husband, and with him became an extra-lucky beneficiary of the dot-com boom. By […]

10 Short Stories About Women’s Transformations

Date: August 31, 2020

Lara Ehrlich recommends fiction by women about mythological and psychological metamorphoses. The Little Mermaid sacrifices her tail for a human soul. The Navajo Changing Woman grows old and is reborn […]

Poetry for Our Time!

Date: August 31, 2020

Three poet laureates deliver their poems as a beacon of hope during these unprecendted times of fear, uncertainty, and isolatio Watch the video here!

The Poetry of Architecture

Date: August 31, 2020

A pen. Some paper. A bit of inspiration. A quiet place to think. Of all the things a writer needs, it’s the last one that’s the hardest to come by. […]

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UCR Today Reviews The Wilderness

Date: May 2, 2018

"'The Wilderness' broaches subjects both infinite and infinitesimal, contemplating cosmic forces and commas on an equal scale," writes Jessica Weber of UCR Today in this review and interview with Maurya […]

JMWW Circadian Review

Date: March 27, 2018

"This book is fearless, even in its confrontation of fear and trauma." Great review by Amelia White of JMWW on Chelsey Clammer's Circadian. Read the full review

US Review of Books praises Circadian

Date: March 14, 2018

Chelsea Clammer is praised for Circadian by the US Review of Books. They write, "In this volume, the author proves that no topic is taboo, especially with the right choice […]

The Hippies Were Fucking Right

Date: February 23, 2018

Congratulations to Steve Almond for his first newspaper feature for BAD STORIES on PORTLAND MERCURY. Read the review here!

Midwest Book Review praises Eat Less Water

Date: February 21, 2018

The Midwest Book Review describes Florencia Ramirez's Eat Less Water as "an extraordinary and life-changing read that is very highly recommended." Thanks Midwest Book Review! Check out the full review

Midwest Book Review loves CrossTown!

Date: February 18, 2018

“An impressively original and deftly scripted novel by an author with a genuine flair for imaginative and narrative driven storytelling, “CrossTown” is an expressly and unreservedly recommended as an addition […]

Shining Rock Poetry reviews In June the Labyrinth

Date: February 14, 2018

Cynthia Hogue, author of In June the Labyrinth, receives a truly laudatory review by the Shining Rock Poetry Anthology, which calls the book "a masterly creation," among other things. Thank […]

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