
Media: Maurya Simon reads at UA Poetry

Date: June 12, 2020

Maurya Simon reads poems from The Wilderness: New & Selected Poems 1980-2016 (2018). This reading was originally given with Peggy Shumaker as the inaugural reading in the Tom Sanders Memorial Reading Series. 

IPPY-Winning Poets Speak Out

Date: June 5, 2020

This year’s IPPY Awards had 148 entries into our two categories: Poetry– General and Poetry–Specialty. We awarded a total of 11 medals to poetry books; two each of gold, silver, […]

Rattlecast: William Trowbridge

Date: June 4, 2020

Episode #39 welcomes former Missouri Poet Laureate William Trowbridge and has new book, Oldguy: Superhero—poems from which have been featured regularly in Rattle for years.

The Swamp

Date: June 4, 2020

It is Fourth of July weekend, and until a few days earlier, we had forgotten that for coastal towns this is prime time for tourism. Despite the busy sidewalks and […]

The Oregonian: Poems for the Pandemic

Date: June 4, 2020

Kim Stafford’s days have a rhythm, a routine. Oregon’s poet laureate wakes before dawn. He takes a long walk around his neighborhood. When he returns to his home in Southwest Portland, […]

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Cirque Journal applauds Steam Laundry

Date: March 4, 2013

In a review for Cirque Journal, Ela Harrison Gordon praises Nicole Stellon O'Donnell's new poetry collection.- "This collection deserves a wider readership; deserves to be seen as more than an […]

The Adventures of Ibn Opcit featured on Booklist

Date: February 20, 2013

Diego Baez from Booklist praises John Barr's The Adventures of Ibn Opcit, calling it "wildly imaginative, satirical verse".- "Barr imbues his characters with such distinct voices and is so incredibly […]

Booklist reviews Parnucklian For Chocolate

Date: January 24, 2013

B.H. James' Parnucklian For Chocolate is featured in the latest issue of Booklist.- "A classic naïf, Josiah is reminiscent of Chauncey Gardner in Jerzy Kozinski’s satirical novella, Being There (1970). […]

Huffington Post praises The Horses

Date: January 18, 2013

Dean Rader from the Huffington post reviews Richard Silberg's The Horses: New and Selected.- "It's impossible to refrain from equine metaphors when writing about a book called The Horses (or […]

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