
My Life in Clothes… in the Wall Street Journal!

Date: March 16, 2020

First the Economist, then the Wall Street Journal, and then the world! Summer Brenner’s wonderful short story collection, My Life in Clothes, has been featured in the Wall Street Journal‘s holiday gift […]

The Last Jewish Virgin reviewed in NewPages

Date: March 16, 2020

Yet another great review of Janice Eidus’s The Last Jewish Virgin, this one from New Pages. It’s like the book is good or something. An excerpt: “…an entertaining, original, and psychologically […]

Tess Taylor’s Incredible Family Journey

Date: March 16, 2020

Tess Taylor has had an amazing journey of discovery these past few months. Her debut poetry collection, The Forage House, chronicles the exploration of her familial lineage and ties to Thomas […]

Kate Gale and Kim Dower on KUCI

Date: March 16, 2020

Kate Gale, our managing editor, and Kim Dower, author of the wonderful new collection AIR KISSING ON MARS, were interviewed this morning on KUCI for the segment “Writers on Writing […]

Suck on the Marrow wins an American Book Award!

Date: March 16, 2020

Camille Dungy’s Suck on the Marrow has won an American Book Award from the Before Columbus Foundation! For those of you keeping score at home, that’s the sixth significant honor this book […]

Ron Koertge Writes for Huffington Post!

Date: March 16, 2020

Author Ron Koertge wrote a post for Huffington Post about why he loves to write flash fiction: “Flash fiction doesn’t mind giving pleasure. It has a palpable level of affection for its […]

Amy Schutzer Opens Up to Shelf Unbound

Date: March 16, 2020

Amy Schutzer gave an interview to Shelf Unbound and talked about her creative writing process and influences for her new book, Spheres of Disturbance. “When I begin a novel, it is […]

House Arrest excerpt posted on Shaking Like a Mountain

Date: March 16, 2020

If you have ever wanted to get a taste of Ellen Meeropol’s writing, here is a great opportunity. has posted an enticing excerpt from Ellen’s Spring 2011 title House Arrest. […]

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Sixty Sonnets Reviewed in Rattle Magazine

Date: March 16, 2020

Sixty Sonnets, Reviewed by Maryann Corbett One look at the cover of Sixty Sonnets lets you know you’re dealing with a poet who’s got both slyness and chutzpah—at least if poet Ernest […]


Date: March 16, 2020

Reviewed by Cindy Hochman from Skullwise Cat (page 69) “Teri Youmans Grimm’s account is as ambitious and seductive as Lyla Dore herself. With poems that unfold as grandly as scenes from the […]

David Mason’s Book Reviewed by The Dark Horse Magazine

Date: March 16, 2020

Sea Salt by David Mason was reviewed by The Dark Horse in their Autumn/Winter 2015 issue. It’s pretty exciting to read such a great review all the way from Scotland: “Reading Sea Salt is to […]

The Los Angeles Times, December 28, 2008

Date: March 16, 2020

Describing people, creating them from the ground up, is a slippery thing. They don’t stand still, like objects. Every fresh breeze, new thought, distant sound sets them trembling like leaves […]

New Pages Raves about If Not For This

Date: March 16, 2020

Jason Hess writes for New Pages, applauding If Not For This for its poignancy. “Pete Fromm’s If Not For This was the most moving novel I read in 2014…Fromm packs a lifetime […]

New Pages calls Andrea’s work a poetic fusion

Date: March 16, 2020

Katie Rensch reviews Andrea Scarpino’s book of poetry Once, Then in New Pages, and commends its tender language. “These poems are intensely observational and perceptive…Whether describing the death of a childhood apple tree […]

Joanne Baines at RATTLE

Date: March 16, 2020

“As with all of the best books of poems, read it until it is wrecked.”

Amy Elisabeth Hansen gives Once, Then her highest praise

Date: March 16, 2020

Over the weekend, Amy Elisabeth Hansen of Passages North Literary Journal reviewed Andrea Scarpino’s Once, Then, calling it “a monument to people and times past.” Hansen writes, “These poems work like gifts, maybe […]

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