Madeleine Nakamura receives a five star review of “Cursebreakers” from

Author Madeleine Nakamura’s science fiction thriller “Cursebreakers,” embarks on a “mind bending” battle between magicians, witches, medical professionals and the military in the year 3016. All of the drama in this novel unfolds in a place called Astrum.

The narrative is related by Adrian Desfourneaux. Fourteen years prior to this story, he worked as lead medical researcher at the Philidor solarium where he attempted to cure his chronic patients with his magic powers. He failed: Some patients died while others went into a coma. He was arrested by the “witchfinders” and put on trial (a witch is said to use power to cause harm while a magician would not). He is acquitted and becomes a professor of magic at the Pharmakeia, a huge medical complex.

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