Poetry as Visual Art – The Poetry Foundation Features Douglas Kearney

Poetic imagery does not manifest itself merely in words. What about the visuals created when a poem is on the page? The editors at the Poetry Foundation refer to this as the "fine art of poetry" and use Douglas Kearney's poetry collection Patter as a prime example.

In the article, "The Fine Art of Poetry," two of Kearney's poems are showcased, "Every Hard Rapper’s Father Ever: Father of the Year" and "Noah/Ham: Fathers of the Year." The editors at the Poetry Foundation write, "See Douglas Kearney’s 'Every Hard Rapper’s Father Ever: Father of the Year,' and notice how hard it is, at first, to do anything but see it. The poem plays with sound and sense, but it also plays with space…"

To read more about the visuals of poetry, visit the Poetry Foundation here: http://www.poetryfoundation.org/poetrymagazine/guide/87