A spotlight on WEATHER WOMAN and SINKING ISLANDS by Eugene Weekly’s Slant column!

Jennifer Risher talks about her book WE NEED TO TALK: A MEMOIR ABOUT WEALTH and her #HalfMyDAF challenge in a Q&A with the National Center for Family Philanthropy

Jen Risher is the author of We Need to Talk: A Memoir About Wealth, and co-founded the #HalfMyDAF initiative in response to the pandemic. In this blog, Jen shares her personal reflections on wealth, the impetus for starting #HalfMyDAF, and perspectives on the current state of philanthropy.

Ellen Meeropol writes about Cai Emmons’ astonishing journey after ALS diagnosis

Novelists are, by definition, imaginative people, but there are a limited number of ways to promote a new novel. We rely primarily on readings and events to transform our words on the page to a dramatic life for an audience. Face to face; voice to ear. This is not easy during the pandemic.

For Cai Emmons, that process recently became much more challenging.

“A LITTLE ARRHYTHMIC BLIP”: Vol. 1 Brooklyn Features an Excerpt from Beth Gilstrap’s DEADHEADING AND OTHER STORIES

Today, we’re pleased to present an excerpt from Beth Gilstrap’s forthcoming collection Deadheading and Other Stories. Set in the Carolinas, Gilstrap’s fiction explores questions of gender, class, and geography, offering a series of haunting scenes from everyday life – or what Jared Yates Sexton called “heartbreaking worlds, but nonetheless beautiful.”

Jaye Viner Interviewed by Authors Answer

Born a missionary kid in Kobe, Japan, and homeschooled on the American Great Plains as part of an evangelical community, Jaye Viner straddles many worlds and too many personal interests. As an “EXvangical,” she now worships her cats and spends a great deal of time at the salon maintaining her blue hair.

Character Interview: Jane from JANE OF BATTERY PARK by Jaye Viner Provides Interview

Jane is a Los Angeles nurse who grew up in a Christian cult that puts celebrities on trial for their sins. Daniel is a has-been actor whose career ended when the cult family members nearly killed him for flirting with her.

Jaye Viner Features Novel JANE OF BATTERY PARK in Crime Reads Listicle “8 Thrillers About Women Breaking Free and Taking Charge”

In storytelling, we are in the middle of what I call the ‘age of the “strong woman” character’. If asked, probably everyone has a slightly different idea of what exactly we mean when we say, ‘strong woman.’ I like to think about strong women has any story where a woman main character has desires that transcend the stereotypical roles of women falling in love, keeping house, and raising babies. Many of the below novels are occupied with those familiar roles, but they explore them in extravagant, nail-biting ways that give new life to what are often old narratives about women in the domestic sphere, to breathe life and character into routines that used to be the backdrops for men’s desires.

Crime Reads Lists Jaye Viner’s JANE OF BATTERY PARK for 10 Books Coming Out This Week!

The Writer’s Almanac features Kim Dower’s Poem from A SLICE OF MOON

“…and that’s only the beginning.
I hear other junk food is at risk:
brownies, pastries, name it,
they’re removing it, the only chance
fifth graders have at happiness.”

Pittsburgh City Paper features M. Soledad Caballero, author of I WAS A BELL

“Calling America home comes with its own host of terrors for immigrants, especially those fleeing their countries of origin. From being referred to with often derogatory terminology to having to assimilate to appear as truly “American,” being an immigrant in the U.S. can be a fraught experience.”

Caroline Leavitt Interviews SINKING ISLANDS Author Cai Emmons

“I met and befriended Cai the way I do almost every new friend: a book comes in the mail and I love it so much, I have to know the author! In Cai’s case that was Weather Woman, followed by Sinking Islands.”

Jaye Viner guest writes for The Book Slut!

Francesca Bell’s next collection WHAT SMALL SOUND featured in Rattle Magazine!

Jay Viner, author of JANE OF BATTERY PARK, featured on ‘6 Books About Women Leaving Strict Religious Communities’!

“My mother believes she and my father are failures because their children are no longer “in the church.” The oft-recited proverb, “Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old, he will not turn from it,” haunts her, as though the only things that influence an adult child’s faith decisions are the rules of their childhood.”

Verse Daily Features “Field Notes w/ Stripped Trailer” by Carl Marcum

Not burned, not fire, but fire’s recourse—
its appetite. The 2×4 & 4×4 frame
discernible as a skeleton. An American-
built trailer, good sized, double wide,
out away from city lights. The sun moves
toward a low, pink throb. . .

Thank you, Verse Daily, for featuring Carl Marcum’s “Field Notes W/ Stripped Trailer” from his collection A CAMERA OBSCURA!