Sarah Leamy reviews Doug Lawson’s Big Foots in Paradise

In her recent review of Doug Lawson's Big Foots in Paradise on her website, Sarah Leamy says that, "Doug Lawson Writes with confidence and his prose is lyrical, poetic and he comfortably blends dark comedy and empathic observations."

Read the full review here.

UCR Today Reviews The Wilderness

"'The Wilderness' broaches subjects both infinite and infinitesimal, contemplating cosmic forces and commas on an equal scale," writes Jessica Weber of UCR Today in this review and interview with Maurya Simon. Check out the full article here!

Crosstown Mentioned in a Blog from New Zealand

JMWW Circadian Review

"This book is fearless, even in its confrontation of fear and trauma."

Great review by Amelia White of JMWW on Chelsey Clammer's Circadian.

Read the full review here!

US Review of Books praises Circadian

Chelsea Clammer is praised for Circadian by the US Review of Books. They write, "In this volume, the author proves that no topic is taboo, especially with the right choice of words." Read the full review here.

Notes from a Crusty Seeker, Betsy Robinson on BAD STORIES

The Hippies Were Fucking Right

Midwest Book Review praises Eat Less Water

The Midwest Book Review describes Florencia Ramirez's Eat Less Water as "an extraordinary and life-changing read that is very highly recommended." Thanks Midwest Book Review! Check out the full review here.

Midwest Book Review loves CrossTown!

“An impressively original and deftly scripted novel by an author with a genuine flair for imaginative and narrative driven storytelling, “CrossTown” is an expressly and unreservedly recommended as an addition to community library Science Fiction & Fantasy collections, and a ‘must’ for the personal reading lists of all dedicated fantasy/mystery fans.”

Shining Rock Poetry reviews In June the Labyrinth

Cynthia Hogue, author of In June the Labyrinth, receives a truly laudatory review by the Shining Rock Poetry Anthology, which calls the book "a masterly creation," among other things. Thank you Shining Rock Poetry! You can read the full review here.

Hobart Pulp interviews Chelsea Clammer

Thank you Hobart Pulp for this insightful interview with Chelsea Clammer, author of Circadian. “Essays seem to encourage digression and tangents, and you do such a great job of managing that – letting these essays wander, but, by the end, justifying that wandering and all of the places you arrived in the process,” says interviewer Jac Jemc.

The Baltimore Sun covers Ron Koertge

Ron Koertge is in the news again, this time in The Baltimore Sun, for his poem “Negative Space,” which inspired the Oscar-nominated animation. “Porter, 36, who has been collaborating with his wife since they married… said they stumbled upon the poem on social media in 2014, and ‘immediately connected with the subject matter, and thought it was a story a lot of people could relate to.'”

CBS Baltimore mentions Ron Koertge

Big thank you to CBS Baltimore for not forgetting that "Negative Space," the Oscar-nominated animation, was inspired by Ron Koertge's prose poem of the same name. Thanks CBS Baltimore!

Our Man at the Oscars”– SGVT covers Ron Koertge”

Many thanks to the San Gabriel Valley Tribune for giving a shout-out to Ron Koertge, whose prose poem, "Negative Space," has been made into an Oscar-nominated short film. Thanks SGVT! Check out the article here.

Bad Stories receives a starred review by Booklist

We're excited that Steve Almond's Bad Stories is the recipient of a starred review by Booklist. The full review will appear in the February 15th edition of Booklist, but here's a taste of what it contains: "With the same biting wit that marks Almond’s previous books of social criticism, Against Football (2014), the accomplished fiction writer and journalist aims to decode the social conditions that landed Trump in the White House. . . . Almond holds up literature as a guide through America’s age-old moral dilemmas and finds hope for his country in family, forgiveness, and political resistance."