House Arrest Reviewed by Psychology Today

Bella DePaulo from Psychology Today posted a fantastic review of Ellen Meeropol's newest book, House Arrest:

"I didn't plan to do so, but I read it straight through until I got to the end. Only then did I realize that this is the sort of novel I've been wanting to read for a very long time."

For the rest of her review, click here.

Phyllis McGuire reviews Michael Quadland’s Offspring

In a recent article on iBerkshires, Phyllis McGuire says that Michael Quadland's Offspring is "ultimately about a search for truth — not honesty in the moral sense, but the truth about ourselves, who we really are, what we believe in and where we fit in the world."

For the full review, click here.

Kennebec Journal loves Ellen Meeropol’s House Arrest

Kennebec Journal says that "Meeropol deftly combines her medical experience with solid writing talent to produce a suspenseful yet warm and sensitive story that explores right and wrong, the unequal balance between rigid law and common sense, and the decisions people make when faced with tough life choices."

For the full review, click here.

Escape Pod reviews Fade to Black

In a recent review, Escape Pod had this to say about Fade to Black by Josh Pryor-

"If you like science, CSI, stories that take place in Antarctica, or lots-of-people-crammed-into-a-small-space-slowly-going-mad, then you'll enjoy Fade to Black."

For the full review, click here.

Bin Laden’s Bald Spot: An excellent review from NewPages

Cheryl Wright-Watkins for NewPages had this to say about Brian Doyle's Bin Laden's Bald Spot:

"[Bin Laden's Bald Spot] would be a wonderful introduction to a reader unfamiliar with Doyle's work. For Doyle devotees like me, the stories reaffirm his status as one of the finest storytellers and word wizards of our time, perhaps of all time."

For the full review, please click here

Rigoberto Gonzalez says Bravo” to Lillian-Yvonne Bertram “

Rigoberto Gonzalez gives praise for Lillian-Yvonne Bertram's But a Storm is Blowing From Paradise in the latest Harriett blog, saying:

"But a Storm is Blowing from Paradise is a rich book with plenty of channels coming through loud and clear. There’s plenty of thinking (and imagining) happening on the page. Bravo, Bertram."

to see the full review, link here

The Courier-Journal gives praise to Lynnell Edwards’ Covet

The Courier-Journal's Kathleen Driskell had this to say about Lynnell Edwards' Covet:

"A reader of poetry is in good hands with Edwards' work. Her language allows accessible entry into her poems about subject matters that are significant and heart-felt, and her rhythms and structures are meaningful. "Covet: Poems" is a beautifully accomplished collection."

To see full review, please link here

Martin Ott reviews and connects to O’Donnell’s Steam Laundry

In a recent Writeliving's Blog post, author Martin Ott talks about his connection to fellow Alaskan Nicole Stellon O'Donnell, and her new collection of poetry, Steam Laundry.

"[Steam Laundry is] a complex and dramatic story with poetic sensibilities… There is plenty of drama for fiction lovers, painstaking accuracy for history buffs and wonderful lines throughout in the letters."

To see the full review, click here.

Books in Brief reviews Michael Quadland’s Offspring

Veteran David Willson has just reviewed Offspring on "Books in Brief," an online feature that complements “Books in Review,” which runs in The VVA Veteran, the national magazine of Vietnam Veterans of America. Here is what he had to say about the book –

"Michael Quadland's Offspring is a brilliant literary novel, with a gorgeous cover…. [Hank Preston] is a Vietnam veteran unlike most we find in recent novels."

To see the full review, click here.

Cult. Bomb raves about Brendan Constantine’s Calamity Joe!

Cult. Bomb author Danielle Mitchell recently blogged this about Calamity Joe, Brendan Constantine's newest collection of poems from Red Hen Press:

"Here there is wonder, earth, humor, rancid, lameness, shimmer, loss, and dirty. Every page, every poem. Wow."

To see the full review, click here.

Room Service gets a great review on Shelf Awareness

Shelf Awareness' Tom Lavoie has this to say about Ron Carlson's Room Service: "The poems and prose pieces in Room Service are thoughtful, witty, sad and hopeful–rarely angry or mad. They reveal Ron Carlson as a humble writer you can enjoy over and over. Discover: Short prose and poems from a 'master of idiosyncrasy' who entertains, educates and surprises at every turn."

For the full review, visit Shelf Awareness here.

Arthur J. Kubick praises Blase Bonpane’s Imagine No Religion!

In a recent Catholic Books Review article, Arthur J. Kubick had this to say about Imagine No Religion: The Autobiography of Blase Bonpane

"This fascinating autobiography takes the reader on a tour through the peace and justice struggles of the past sixty years: Central America, Cuba, Vietnam, Chiapas, Iraq, Cesar Chavez and the United Farm Workers, civil rights, nuclear weapons, the Sandanistas, liberation theology. All in one way or another have been central to this twentieth century life well-lived."

To read the full review, click here.

Phati’tude Literary Magazine loves Suck on the Marrow by Camille Dungy!

“Dungy captures the human heart and soul in her characters while illustrating the rawness of their suffering with gracefully blatant and rebellious passion.”

Phati'tude Literary Magazine

The full text of the review is reproduced below.

EMPATHY IS SOMETIMES DIFFICULT to evoke in people unless you have a very keen sense of painting the imagery and emotion with words. Camille Dungy does this well in her collection Suck on the Marrow, and the images all refer to fighting and strength, especially in adversity and in the face of slavery. The human need for knowledge, love, understanding everything is there; even though there was such separation and exclusion during this time in history, Dungy captures the human heart and soul in her characters while illustrating the rawness of their suffering with gracefully blatant and rebellious passion.

Strong Verse reviews Annie Finch’s Among the Goddesses.

In Strong Verse, G.M. Palmer says this about Among the Goddesses- "Like any poet of worth, Finch produces beautiful lines, by themselves worth the price of admission.”

For the full review, click here.

Rave reviews for Rachel Flynn’s Tongue in the Valparaiso Poetry Review.

In the recent Valparaiso Poetry Review, Paul David Adkins had this to say about Tongue-

"Within this hard-fought, inspiring collection, Flynn masterfully couples the lyric and narrative to create a vivid, unforgettable poetic experience.”