Four Black writers talk back on solidarity, history, representation, freedom, justice, and how to support sustainable transformation in our literary communities.
Dana Johnson, Moderator
Ishmael Reed
Danzy Senna
Douglas Manuel
Four Black writers talk back on solidarity, history, representation, freedom, justice, and how to support sustainable transformation in our literary communities.
Dana Johnson, Moderator
Ishmael Reed
Danzy Senna
Douglas Manuel
Dear Friends,
We hope this finds you and yours healthy and safe.
Red Hen Press remains, as ever, dedicated to helping our communities, local and global, through the power of literature. We have been monitoring the situation and made the decision last week to pause our internship program and have staff members work remotely as part of our response to the COVID-19 virus. Additionally, all workshops, readings, and events that were scheduled by Red Hen through the end of April are being shifted to virtual platforms or postponed. We will continue to follow any guidelines, recommendations, or mandates as set forth by the CDC and our local, state, and federal governments so we can do our part to help flatten the curve and lessen the spread of the virus.
Though we may be working from our own individual Hen Houses right now, the Red Hen Press team continues, tirelessly, to bring untold, moving, and necessary stories to you. We will weather this storm together and are coming up with new and innovative ways to bring our authors to you. We’re also keeping an eye on the amazing opportunities and supportive communities that have come together during our time of social distancing to ensure that though we are physically apart, we are never far from each others’ hearts.
As we hatch our plans, stay tuned for virtual reading announcements and book sales while we continue our work of providing literature and events to the community:
Check out our Red Hen Recommends blog for updates, virtual events, and recommendations on books and activities while you practice your social distancing. We’ll update this every other day with new recs, tips, and sales!