The culmination of a ten-year career in falconry, Lift is a memoir that illustrates the journey and life lessons of a woman navigating a man’s ancient sport. Captivated by a chance meeting with a falconer’s peregrine as a child, the indelible memory eventually brings the author’s life full circle to flying a peregrine of her own. Exploring themes of predator and prey, finding tribe, forgiveness and femininity, the memoir asks universal questions through a unique backdrop. Lift illustrates the beauty and meaning the sport of falconry can add to a falconer’s life, echoing the challenges and triumphs of being human.

Rebecca O’Connor ( Author Website )
Publication Date: November 1, 2009
Genre/Imprint: Memoir, Red Hen Press
$18.95 Tradepaper
Shop: Red Hen, Bookshop, Barnes & Noble
ISBN: 1-59709-460-9