love belongs to those who do the feeling

love belongs to those who do the feeling–an exciting collection of new and selected poetry by Judy Grahn. The book contains selections from Judy’s entire body of poetic work from “The Work of a Common Woman”, “The Queen of Wands and The Queen of Swords”, to new poems written between 1997 and 2008. Judy’s poetry is rangy and provocative. It has been written at the heart of so many of the important social movements of the last forty years that the proper word is foundational–Judy Grahn’s poetry is foundational to the spirit of movement. People consistently report that Judy’s poetry is also uplifting–an unexpected side effect of work that is aimed at the mind as well as the heart. Judy continues to insist that love goes beyond romance, to community, and that community goes beyond the everyday world, to the connective worlds of earth and spirit.

Black text stating Love Belongs to Those Who Do the Feeling New & Selected Poems (1966-2006) by Judy Grahn over a blue background with a blue illustration of a bus that has a red banner stating Love Belongs Everywhere on it and a gold Lambda Literary Award for Lesbian Poetry 2009 seal.

Judy Grahn ( Author Website )

Publication Date: October 15, 2008

Genre/Imprint: Poetry, Red Hen Press

$21.95 Tradepaper

Shop: Red Hen, Bookshop, Barnes & Noble

ISBN: 978-1-59709-121-3

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A Tree Putting Forth Green Leaves

Alicia Ostriker reviews Judy Grahn's Love Belongs to Those Who Do the Feeling anthology. The review appears in the September/October edition of the Women's Review, and you can read the […]