Never Let Me Go

In 1964, Chuck Rosenthal was a thirteen year old boy whose dream was to make his grade school basketball team. Never Let Me Go tells the true story of how a college professor who coached grade school basketball as a hobby became the man who held that dream in his hands; became Rosenthal’s coach and his mentor; how he made Rosenthal his student, his confidant, and eventually his sexual partner, and how that teenager, trapped in the cycle of loyalty, betrayal, denial, secrecy and abuse, found the inner resources to escape and take the first steps toward adulthood.

Yellow and orange text stating Never Let Me Go a memoir by Chuck Rosenthal over the image of a boy sitting in a locker room with a basketball.

Chuck Rosenthal

Publication Date: September 1, 2004

Genre/Imprint: Memoir, Red Hen Press

$17.95 Tradepaper

Shop: Red Hen, Bookshop, Barnes & Noble

ISBN: 1-888996-93-5

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