The Scar Saloon
“In a world where cultures and religions are recklessly facing off, Sholeh Wolpé writes careful poems that cast a light on some of what we all hold in common.”—Billy Collins
“Sholeh Wolpé’s poems are political, satirical, and unflinching in the face of war, tyranny and loss. Talismanic and alchemical, they attempt to transmute experience into the magic of the imagined. But they also dare to be tender and funny lyrical moments. This book is remarkable and unexpected.”—Chris Abani
“The Scar Saloon is a humane and compassionate book in which horror is balanced by love, pain by pleasure, denial by sensuality, seriousness with humor. Many of the poems are set in the Middle East, but Sholeh Wolpé is clearly a poet of the world.”—Charles Harper Webb

Sholeh Wolpe ( Author Website )
Publication Date: September 1, 2004
Genre/Imprint: Poetry, Red Hen Press
$11.95 Tradepaper
Shop: Red Hen, Bookshop, Barnes & Noble
ISBN: 978-1-888996-03-6