Volando bajito

“Volando bajito is a strong, raw, transparent book that makes us tremble. Readers can feel every poem with their entire body, their entire soul. Alicia Partnoy had to fly low, otherwise she couldn’t have tracked down all that blood, all those scattered bones, all those spirits left hanging from the windmills’ sails. It is a book of testimonial poems that forces us to remember that tender girl who always waits for us, a girl called Solidarity.”—Claribel Alegría

“The terse sensuality of these poems – their gentleness and unflinching courage in the face of devestation, of genocide – is so much more than instructive. It is poetry with the subtlety and insight of our greatest resources, intelligence and compassion.”— Gail Wronsky

Black text stating Volando bajito by Alicia Partnoy A Bilingual Edition Translated by Gail Wronsky over a pink background with the centered painting of a woman with flowers.

Alicia Partnoy ( Author Website )

Publication Date: April 1, 2005

Genre/Imprint: Poetry, Red Hen Press

$13.95 Tradepaper

Shop: Red Hen, Bookshop, Barnes & Noble

ISBN: 1-59709-002-6

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