Adele Slaughter
Adele Slaughter received her MFA in poetry from Columbia University. Her first book of poems, What the Body Remembers, was published by Story Line Press in 1994. Slaughter participated in Tupelo Press’ 30/30 Project, and her poems have appeared in other small press magazines. She has also co-written a nonfiction book entitled Art That Pays: An Emerging Artist’s Guide to Making a Living (2004), as well as written and produced a short film, Jealousy (2014), based on her novel of the same name. Jealousy was shown at the Studio City and Houston Film Festivals. Slaughter has been a professor at California State University Channel Islands, among other colleges in the Los Angeles area, and a journalist covering personal health for She was named a Distinguished Teacher by the White House Commission on Presidential Scholars in 1993, and she received a national journalism prize for her coverage of multiple sclerosis 2004. She lives in Los Angeles with her husband, Jeff Kober, and their labradoodle, Bud Powell.