Lynnell Edwards

Lynnell Edwards’ most recent collection of poetry, The Bearable Slant of Light (Red Hen Press, 2024), documents the burden and beauty of mental illness in one family and across this history of writers and artists. Her other collections are: This Great Green Valley (Broadstone Books, 2020), a chapbook of documentary poetry based on revisionist narratives of Kentucky’s pioneer founding in the 18th century. Three additional full-length poetry collections, Covet (2011), The Highwayman’s Wife (2007), and The Farmer’s Daughter (2003), were published by Red Hen Press. A chapbook, Kings of the Rock and Roll Hot Shop, from Accents Publishing (2014), chronicles the work and art of a glass-blowing studio. Her short fiction, book reviews, and essays have appeared in Plume, Another Chicago Magazine, New Madrid, Connecticut Review, Cincinnati Review, Pleiades, and elsewhere. Awards include a 2007 Al Smith Fellowship and a fellowship at The Hermitage in Sarasota, Florida, for 2020-2021. She currently serves as faculty in poetry and Associate Programs Director for the Naslund-Mann Graduate School of Writing at Spalding University where she is also book reviews editor for the program’s literary journal Good River Review.  She is a founding member and past president of Louisville Literary Arts and also served on the Kentucky Women Writers Conference Board of Directors. She holds the Ph.D in Rhetoric and Composition as well as the MA with Creative Writing Thesis, both from the University of Louisville. Her work often investigates the deep connections between a people and their place, including the natural, political, and family narratives in its history.

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The Bearable Slant of Light

Lynnell Edwards

Publication Date: April 23, 2024

$17.95 Tradepaper

ISBN: 9781636281285


What can we bear and what can we lift when a beloved, when our world, is light-struck and mad? The Bearable Slant of Light documents a web of clinical assessments, medications, the terrible beauties of delusion, and the fragile gifts of darkness. Poems that reach across the history of writers and artists who fought and sometimes lost their own battles against mental illness are set against the urgencies of our anxious world and the intimate struggle of one family.


“What if you were to write a book of poems expert in their formal invention and so varied in tone that the anger and helplessness and desperation of the poems were also shot through with a tough-minded, often darkly humorous intelligence sifting through possibility after possibility of solace and finding, after all that sifting, nothing but a pile of dust? No consolations, no moments of redemption, nothing but the hard and strange and always original perception of ‘it happened this way but never the way I expected.’ Well, this is the kind of book that Lynnell Edwards has written—a book whose occasion is the mental illness of her son, but whose subject is radical estrangement/self-estrangement. Her fierce response to the myth of therapy/wellness/amelioration demonstrates a poet of superb gifts. Prose poems, lyrics, dramatic monologues, meditative flights giving way to beautifully precise descriptive writing—no form of poetic inquiry is beyond her imagination’s tenacious, tender, and skeptical engagement. On every page, the intelligence of the writing is matched by true integrity of feeling.”

                                                —Tom Sleigh, author of The King’s Touch


Lynnell Edwards

Publication Date: October 1, 2011

$16.95 Tradepaper

ISBN: 978-1-59709-171-8


“Lynnell Edwards’s third poetry collection, Covet, is a fascinating wide-ranging examination of desire. From the small and antique—a “Tinderbox Chamberstick w/Flint and Cover,” say, to the middle distance of “Available Light” and everyday life, to the wild freedom of turkey vultures “soaring / each spring over Pine Mountain,” her poems are witty, lyrical, commonsensical, and marvelously bold. This is a book worth coveting.”— Kelly Cherry

“Great beauty, these poems understand, often steals in unexpectedly—the bird through the window, the forsythia that erupts out of a wintry landscape. Again and again we encounter here “the breath of the ecstatic”, hearts “filled to bursting” “rush[ing] and skip[ping],” “thumping in [their] box[es].” Edwards knows how quickly the visions she seeks to capture fade to “ordinary pain.” The trick—one these lovely poems manage over and over—is to be the camera “shutter’s click and whir, imperceptible / as hummingbird’s wings.” I finished these poems grateful for their acts of thievery, their coveting. What a beautiful and accomplished book.”— Davis McCombs

The Highwayman’s Wife

Lynnell Edwards

Publication Date: February 15, 2007

$17.95 Tradepaper

ISBN: 978-1597090759


With The Highwayman’s Wife, Lynnell Edwards’ fierce and brazen poems breathe new life into well-known myths and tales, giving a new, bold voice to characters such as Medusa and Helen of Troy. Equal parts graceful and audacious, Edwards’ poems capture her genuine love of language while maintaining a charming style all their own.

The Farmer’s Daughter

Lynnell Edwards

Publication Date: October 1, 2003

$11.95 Tradepaper

ISBN: 978-1888996746


As a writer of drama and short fiction, Edwards’ first collection of poetry is influenced by the character sketches of her earlier prose works, while maintaining a strong sense of lyricism. Like her influences, Sharon Olds, Rainer Rilke, and Sylvia Plath, Edwards’ poetry derives force from its candor and observational simplicity. A Kentucky native, Edwards continues in the tradition of great pastoral voices such as Robert Frost, drawing from his metaphorical, lyric and structural paradigms. Reading The Farmer’s Daughter evokes fields of space, filled with light and soft shadows.

