Sam Eisenstein
Sam Eisenstein is the author of numerous novels and plays including The Inner Garden (Sun & Moon Press 1987), Price of Admission (Sun & Moon Press) and Rectification of Eros: Havana (Green Integer 1999). His stories can also be found in Invisible City, Ribot, Arshile, Penthouse, Seventeen, New York Quarterly, and Prism International. His plays have been produced by the Company Theatre, Hollywood La Mama, KPFK, and Odyssey Theatre Ensemble. Eisenstein is a professor of English and creative writing at Los Angeles City College and he is the current advisor for the Los Angeles City College literary magazine, Citadel. He has also taught creative writing classes at UCLA’s Extension Program and at the C.G. Jung Institute in Zurich, Switzerland. Eisenstein graduated from UCLA in 1995 with a PhD in comparative literature. He then traveled to Japan, Gakugei Daigaku, where he was a Fulbright lecturer. In 1973, Eisenstein earned his MA in Psychology from Goodard College and became a licensed marriage and family counselor in 1974. Nudibranchia, Eisenstein’s latest novel, was released Fall 2003. He is currently working on a new novel that ranges from Tierra del Fuego to Oola, Ireland…with numerous mythic points of interest in between.