
Dini Karasik interviews Dan Vera

Date: February 24, 2013

Fellow writer Dini Karasik chats with Dan Vera about Speaking Wiri Wiri for her blog. To watch the full video interview, click

William Trowbridge is featured on KCUR radio show

Date: January 22, 2013

Kansas City's KCUR featured selections from William Trowbridge's Ship of Fool: The Musical on an edition of their show New Letters on the Air that highlighted new approaches to intertwining […]

LitBridge Features Interview with Red Hen Press

Date: January 3, 2013

Red Hen has a lot to look foward to this year: "Our two top fiction spring releases, B.H. James's, Parnucklian for Chocolate and Andrew Lam's Birds of Paradise Lost… are […]

KUOW hosts a reading by Alice Derry

Date: November 19, 2012

Alice Derry reads her poem "Fooling Around" from Tremolo for KUOW. To read the full article and listen to the reading, click

Alice Derry’s Tremolo is featured on KUOW

Date: November 13, 2012

Elizabeth Austin features Alice Derry's Tremolo on the KUOW website.- "In "Finding the Poem," Port Angeles poet Alice Derry sees in the salmon's efforts a parallel with the way we […]

Sherman Oaks Patch interviews Eloise Klein Healy

Date: October 23, 2012

Anna King from the Sherman Oaks Patch interviews Eloise Klein Healy about her latest book A Wild Surmise: New & Selected Poems & Recordings.- To read the full interview, click

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Review of Sixty Sonnet in BookSlut

Date: March 16, 2020

The sonnet is an enduring lyric monument, one of the few postclassical forms that refuses to die. Almost every major poet writing in a Western language has attempted to stand […]

Jeannine M. Lesinski’s review on

Date: March 16, 2020

“The poem mingles aural and visual music: The caesurae [unable to be reproduced here] audibly create rhythm, while visually recalling the fragments of the fractal that are repeatedly broken down […]

Persephone by Lyn Lifshin on the Monsterrat Review

Date: March 16, 2020

To read Lyn Lifshin’s, Persephone, is to be energized by a flow of poems which catapult through the book’s 181 pages. Prophetically, none of her poems ends with a period […]

Sixty Sonnets Reviewed in Rattle Magazine

Date: March 16, 2020

Sixty Sonnets, Reviewed by Maryann Corbett One look at the cover of Sixty Sonnets lets you know you’re dealing with a poet who’s got both slyness and chutzpah—at least if poet Ernest […]

The Poet of Wall Street

Date: March 16, 2020

Westechester Magazine writes about Jim Tilley, dubbed “The Poet of Wall Street,” and his new book of poetry, In Confidence, published by Red Hen Press.


Date: March 16, 2020

Thanks to Anna Call from Foreword for the great review of Florencia Ramirez’s EAT LESS WATER, calling it “a charming work that gets its point across beautifully.”

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