
Electric Lit spotlights COFFEE, SHOPPING, MURDER, LOVE

Date: January 30, 2023

“17 Small Press Books from 2022 that You Might Have Missed” includes Coffee, Shopping, Murder, Love by Carlos Allende. “Coffee, Shopping, Murder, Love plays with the tropes of crime fiction by […]

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Publishers Weekly reviews Amber Flame’s APOCRIFA!

Date: March 21, 2023

The expansive and formally inventive second collection from Flame (Ordinary Cruelty) considers the cornerstones of romance—doubt, surrender, grief, resolution—through poems about hunger, exploration, and forbidden fruit.

Eamon Grennan’s PLAINCHANT reviewed in Good River Review!

Date: January 24, 2023

In his gripping new poetry collection Plainchant, Eamon Grennan weaves a revelatory narrative, rich with precise detail, layered symbolism, and evocative imagery. Plainchant is a powerful compilation of personal reflections. […]

Dennis Must’s MacLeish Sq. reviewed by Dactyl Review!

Date: January 24, 2023

Edward Said, writing about Beethoven’s late style, defined late style as that time wherein the artist freed from the expected cultural and historical restraints of form and content unleashes a […]

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