
Ep. 12: Chelsea Catherine

Date: July 20, 2020

Chelsea Catherine is a native Vermonter living in St. Petersburg, FL. Most recently, she won the Mary C Mohr nonfiction award through the Southern Indiana Review and her book, “Summer […]

Skylit Interview: Kristen Millares Young, SUBDUCTION

Date: July 20, 2020

Fleeing the shattered remains of her marriage and a betrayal by her sister, in the throes of a midlife freefall, Latina anthropologist Claudia Ranks retreats from Seattle to Neah Bay, […]


Date: July 20, 2020

This remarkable novel, just published in April 2020, opens with a 1968 Detroit anti–Vietnam War peace march when “guerrilla theater tactics” that results in an injured policeman, and the two […]

Poet Lory Bedikian says poetry is her release

Date: July 16, 2020

When Lory Bedikian was a girl, she sat under her parents’ orange tree in the backyard and collected flowers and took the leaves and blossoms and rolled them up like […]

Hoopla: July Riveting Reads

Date: July 16, 2020

Hoopla featured Aimee Liu’s Glorious Boy on their list of Riveting Reads for July 2020. Find the entire list here.

Read Your Way Around the World

Date: July 15, 2020

With travel plans cancelled for the foreseeable future, we’re all looking for new ways to feel transported from our homes, without putting our families at risk. That’s where these book […]

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Verónica Reyes Paints a Portrait in Chopper! Chopper!

Date: May 14, 2014

Verónica Reyes' latest collection, Chopper! Chopper! gets praised by Paloma Martinez-Cruz of Mujeres Talk for its rich depictions of culture and atmosphere. "Reyes is at her best when she navigates […]

Douglas Kearney’s Striking New Collection

Date: May 5, 2014

The Rumpus gives high acclaim to Douglas Kearney's new poetry collection, Patter. The review applauds Kearney's vibrancy in his style, voice, and passion. Sean Singer writes, "The most striking aspect […]

Ron Koertge’s Fantastical and Humorous Book

Date: May 5, 2014

Ron Koertge's The Ogre's Wife successfully draws from well-known fairly tales to create a humorously witty new book, according to American Microreviews. Dana Livermore writes, "Koertge doesn’t settle for just […]

Lisa Krueger’s Marvelous New Collection

Date: May 5, 2014

Barrett Warner of Coal Hill Review recently called Lisa Krueger's newest poetry collection, Talisman, a "marvel", praising its imagery and metaphor of personal experiences used to help readers heal. Warner […]

Lillian-Yvonne Bertram: Historian and Cartographer

Date: April 17, 2014

Cristina Preda from The Operating System hails Lillian-Yvonne Bertram as both a historian and cartographer, as the poems in Betram's debut collection, But a Storm is Blowing from Paradise, take […]

Susanna Mishler Creates Tension in New Book

Date: April 17, 2014

The Anchorage Press gave an early review to Susanna Mishler's new book, Termination Dust, praising its buoyant use of imagery. Writer Katie Medred says Mishler's "knack for relaying and capturing […]

Ernest Hilbert Revives the Sonnet

Date: April 7, 2014

In a new review featured in the New Criterion, writer John Foy praises the so-called "Hilbertian sonnet" in Hilbert's latest book, All of You on the Good Earth. “With lines […]

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