
Literary North interviews Didi Jackson

Date: June 30, 2020

Didi Jackson is a terrific poet. She writes accessible poems that are packed with startling imagery, art, precise language, and delicate emotions. She manages to make the shocking and heart-breaking […]

Author2Author with Aimee Liu

Date: June 30, 2020

Bill welcomes novelist, essayist, and teacher Aimee Liu to the show. Aimee is the author of numerous bestselling novels as well as nonfiction books on medical and psychological topics. Her […]

The Booklist Reader: Glorious Boy

Date: June 30, 2020

Liu’s eponymous “glorious boy” exists at the intersection of families, communities, countries, cultures—and, for a while, life and death. His spirited, adventurous parents—Shep, a British doctor obsessed with the healing […]

Drinks With Tony: Episode #87 Deborah A. Lott

Date: June 30, 2020

Deborah A. Lott is the author of Don’t Go Crazy Without Me: A Tragicomic Memoir. She’s also the author of In Session: The Bond Between Women and Their Therapists.

Read Wilderness Excerpt: Subduction Chapter Seven

Date: June 30, 2020

The pacific frothed at the shore, its distant gray spreading into white foam and retreating, flattened by its own mass against the long curve of the horizon. The sea has neither mercy […]

LARB: En la Brega: An Interview with Kristen Millares Young

Date: June 30, 2020

IN APRIL 2020, Red Hen Press published Kristen Millares Young’s debut novel, Subduction. Described by the novelist Shawn Wong as “a lyrical forest of storytelling rooted in indigenous voices,” Young’s book […]

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Lillian-Yvonne Bertram: Historian and Cartographer

Date: April 17, 2014

Cristina Preda from The Operating System hails Lillian-Yvonne Bertram as both a historian and cartographer, as the poems in Betram's debut collection, But a Storm is Blowing from Paradise, take […]

Susanna Mishler Creates Tension in New Book

Date: April 17, 2014

The Anchorage Press gave an early review to Susanna Mishler's new book, Termination Dust, praising its buoyant use of imagery. Writer Katie Medred says Mishler's "knack for relaying and capturing […]

Ernest Hilbert Revives the Sonnet

Date: April 7, 2014

In a new review featured in the New Criterion, writer John Foy praises the so-called "Hilbertian sonnet" in Hilbert's latest book, All of You on the Good Earth. “With lines […]

Put This On, Please is Fun and Thought-provoking””

Date: April 7, 2014

William Trowbridge's new poetry collection, Put This On, Please, is "fun, approachable and thought-provoking," according to Shelf Awareness. "Trowbridge succeeds–making readers smile while plumbing something deeper than a giggle." Read […]

Dennis Must’s New Fantastical Novel

Date: April 7, 2014

Shelf Awareness calls Dennis Must's latest work, The World's Smallest Bible, perfect for fans of historical fiction. Check out the full review

The Meaning of Names is Beautifully colored prose””

Date: April 7, 2014

The Lincoln Journal Star recently reviewed Karen Shoemaker's The Meaning of Names, praising its unique blend of family stories and historical research. “Shoemaker writes with even, rhythmic, beautifully colored prose… […]

Sea Salt Is Praised by Angle

Date: April 2, 2014

David Mason's recent collection of poems, Sea Salt, was recently reviewed by Andrew Frisardi in the Spring/Summer edition of Angle. Frisardi praised Mason's lyric mastery: "Mason has mastered a fluid […]

Chopper! Chopper! is Dramatic and Bold””

Date: March 27, 2014

In a review of Veronica Reyes' Chopper! Chopper!, the poetry collection gets lauded as an "intimate portrait of her East L.A. neighborhood, family and local haunts with daring rhythm and […]

Gary Geddes Compared to Politico-poet Greats

Date: March 27, 2014

George Elliot Clarke of The Chronicle Herald calls Gary Geddes "proudly a political poet, though one whose honed lyrics ask for introspection and contemplation," and compares him to other celebrated […]

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