
Tess Taylor’s Incredible Family Journey

Date: March 16, 2020

Tess Taylor has had an amazing journey of discovery these past few months. Her debut poetry collection, The Forage House, chronicles the exploration of her familial lineage and ties to Thomas […]

Kate Gale and Kim Dower on KUCI

Date: March 16, 2020

Kate Gale, our managing editor, and Kim Dower, author of the wonderful new collection AIR KISSING ON MARS, were interviewed this morning on KUCI for the segment “Writers on Writing […]

Suck on the Marrow wins an American Book Award!

Date: March 16, 2020

Camille Dungy’s Suck on the Marrow has won an American Book Award from the Before Columbus Foundation! For those of you keeping score at home, that’s the sixth significant honor this book […]

Ron Koertge Writes for Huffington Post!

Date: March 16, 2020

Author Ron Koertge wrote a post for Huffington Post about why he loves to write flash fiction: “Flash fiction doesn’t mind giving pleasure. It has a palpable level of affection for its […]

Amy Schutzer Opens Up to Shelf Unbound

Date: March 16, 2020

Amy Schutzer gave an interview to Shelf Unbound and talked about her creative writing process and influences for her new book, Spheres of Disturbance. “When I begin a novel, it is […]

House Arrest excerpt posted on Shaking Like a Mountain

Date: March 16, 2020

If you have ever wanted to get a taste of Ellen Meeropol’s writing, here is a great opportunity. has posted an enticing excerpt from Ellen’s Spring 2011 title House Arrest. […]

The New Criterion reviews News from the Village

Date: March 16, 2020

The New Criterion has a nice review up of David Mason’s lyrical memoir, News from the Village: Aegean Friends. Here’s a taste: “In one of the book’s most eloquent passages, […]

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Prarie Schooner Winter 2009 Review

Date: March 10, 2010

Steve Huff's Book, More Daring EscapesReviewed in Prarie SchoonerWinter 2009 Editiion Steven Huff. More Daring Escapes. Red Hen Press.Dan Bellm. Practice. Sixteen Rivers Press.Reviewed by Marilyn Krysl‘‘False words are not […]

A Tree Putting Forth Green Leaves

Date: February 8, 2010

Alicia Ostriker reviews Judy Grahn's Love Belongs to Those Who Do the Feeling anthology. The review appears in the September/October edition of the Women's Review, and you can read the […]

Praise for Suck on the Marrow

Date: February 6, 2010

Advance Praise for Suck on the Marrow: “Camille Dungy’s important new collection, Suck on the Marrow, explores the lives of African Americans in the 19th century, illuminating parts of slave […]

Katie Spielberger’s Review of Double Moon

Date: January 12, 2010

Spielberger's review begins: "Double Moon: Constructions & Conversations" is one of the best books I've come across recently, and that it can be placed on the "Alaskan Shelf" makes it […]

Katie Spielberger Reviews Leaving Resurrection

Date: January 12, 2010

Katie Spielberger begins her review:I first learned about Eva Saulitis last November during the Maritime Grind at Sitka WhaleFest, when I heard this killer whale biologist read from a from […]

Dale Van Every Reviews Silverstein and Me

Date: January 12, 2010

Although it saw extended periods of minimal contact, one of the friendships that lasted a lifetime for Silverstein was with childhood pal and fellow cartoonist Marv Gold. Gold’s recent memoir, […]

Deborah Bogen Reviews Cartographies

Date: January 12, 2010

Cartographies: Uncollected Poems: 1980-2005, by Maurya Simon (Red Hen Press, 2008)The cover of Cartographies is a photograph of a bronze by New Mexican sculptor, Katherine Wells. It’s a female torso […]

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