
John Domini Reviews

Date: March 16, 2020

John Domini, a Red Hen Press author, publishes many book reviews. One published review, found in Bookforum, has been selected by the National Book Critics Circle as a feature for their blog and […]

Alphabet Conspiracy featured on The Rumpus

Date: March 16, 2020

Rita Mae Reese’s new book, The Alphabet Conspiracy, was reviewed on The Rumpus: “But at their best, they speak in deceptively straightforward, accessible language, without aiming to impart lessons to the […]

Red Hen on the Radio: A Double Feature

Date: March 16, 2020

Red Hen writers are taking over the airwaves. Check out Camille Dungy talking about Suck on the Marrow and What to Eat, What to Drink, What to Leave for Poison with Word Ballast’s Billy […]

National Short Story Month: The Discount

Date: March 16, 2020

National Poetry Month has come and gone, as it does every year. It’s a fairly new phenomenon, the National [Art Form] Month; National Poetry Month only dates from the mid […]

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Cirque Journal applauds Steam Laundry

Date: March 4, 2013

In a review for Cirque Journal, Ela Harrison Gordon praises Nicole Stellon O'Donnell's new poetry collection.- "This collection deserves a wider readership; deserves to be seen as more than an […]

The Adventures of Ibn Opcit featured on Booklist

Date: February 20, 2013

Diego Baez from Booklist praises John Barr's The Adventures of Ibn Opcit, calling it "wildly imaginative, satirical verse".- "Barr imbues his characters with such distinct voices and is so incredibly […]

Booklist reviews Parnucklian For Chocolate

Date: January 24, 2013

B.H. James' Parnucklian For Chocolate is featured in the latest issue of Booklist.- "A classic naïf, Josiah is reminiscent of Chauncey Gardner in Jerzy Kozinski’s satirical novella, Being There (1970). […]

Huffington Post praises The Horses

Date: January 18, 2013

Dean Rader from the Huffington post reviews Richard Silberg's The Horses: New and Selected.- "It's impossible to refrain from equine metaphors when writing about a book called The Horses (or […]

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