Writing for Politics and Prose Laurie Greer lauds the poetry of Eva Saulitis's newest collection Many Ways to Say It. The full text of the review is reproduced below:
When Saulitis looks at nature she looks reverently, authoritatively, and "carefully as a predator." As you might expect from a poet who's also a marine biologist specializing in killer whales, Saulitis's natural world is vivid, breath-taking, and utterly realistic, a place where "God's a mean man" and "the prettiness of the tundra / never satisfies." What does satisfy is Saulitis's deeper explorations of both terrain and language, her efforts "to scan the seas for a finned or winged / insight." The intricate sound patterns and relentlessly vertiginous forms that result take their cues from the environment at hand and each poem is a verbal map of its landscape, from wheeling gulls to a glacier's "hues / of transparency" to "the mountain razored out of night."