Lucid Suitcase
“The poems in Diane Wald’s Lucid Suitcase speak to the life and they art they portray as only poems full of wonder do, with plausible inevitability. The poems are melodic and colorful, probable and improbable. Their subjects and moods are multi-faceted. These poems illuminate words and wordlessness, perspectives and silences. I have been reading Diane Wald’s work closely since the 1970s. Her poems always engage me. And how often entering her poems is like winding up in a dream I have already been in for a few minutes, and then I get this feeling I have always ‘dreamed’ (i.e. lived!) this.”—Michael Burkard, author of Entire Dilemma
‘Diane Wald’s poems emerge from silence without rupturing it: not shy, but achingly sideways. They are at once masterfully askew and startlingly centered, allowing dreamish and palpable, careful and offhand, wonder and death the hang around together. I greatly admire the seriousness of this book’s whimsy, and I’m haunted by its unadorned loveliness: ‘plain beauty / and its illumination / by means of darkness.'”—Ellen Dore Watson, author of We Live In Bodies

Publication Date: October 1, 1999
Genre/Imprint: Poetry, Red Hen Press
$10.95 Tradepaper
Shop: Bookshop, Barnes & Noble
ISBN: 1-888996-16-1