Lyn Lifshin

Lyn Lifshin's Another Woman Who Looks Like Me was published by Black Sparrow at David Godine in October 2006. It has been selected for the 2007 Paterson Award for Literary Excellence for previous finalists of the Paterson Poetry Prize. Also out in 2006 was her prize-winning book about the famous, short-lived, beautiful racehorse, Ruffian, The Licorice Daughter: My Year With Ruffian, from Texas Review Press. Lifshin's other recent prize-winning books include Before It's Light, published winter 1999-2000 by Black Sparrow Press, who also published Cold Comfort in 1997. Her poems have appeared in many literary and poetry magazines, and she is the subject of an award-winning documentary film, Lyn Lifshin: Not Made of Glass, available from Women Make Movies. Her poem, "The No More Apologizing, the No More Little, Laughing Blues" has been called "among the most impressive documents of the women's poetry movement" by Alicia Ostriker. An update to her Gale Research Projects Autobiographical series, On the Outside: Blues, Blue Lace, was published in spring, 2003. What Matters Most (Scintillating Publications, 2004) and Autumn Wind (Portrait 2007) as well as She Was Found Treading Water Deep Out in the Ocean (Platonic 3 Way Press 2005), In Mirrors (Presa Press 2006), An Unfinished Journey (Viking 1987) and Novemberly (ESP Press 2007) were recently published. Tsunami is forthcoming from Blue Unicorn. World Parade Press published Poets, (Mostly) Who Have Touched Me, Living and Dead. All True. Especially the Lies... in 2006. Texas Review Press published Barbaro, Beyond Brokenness in fall 2008, and World Parade Books also published Desire in March 2008. Red Hen Press published Persephone in fall 2008. Coatalism Press has published 92 Rapple Drive (2008) and Goose River Press has publish Nutley Pond (2008). Finishing Line Press will publish Lost in the Fog (forthcoming).

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Lyn Lifshin

Publication Date: October 15, 2008

$20.95 Tradepaper

ISBN: 978-1-59709-124-4


Like the mythic Persephone, these poems move between worlds of wild light and onyx darkness. Abducted by Hades, Persephone was kept captive in the underworld until her mother, Demeter, consumed with rage and sorrow, refused to let anything live or bloom. Grudgingly, Hades released her but only after she tasted the pomegranate he offered, a fruit that kept her bound to him for three months of the year forever. These poems move between such ecstatic glimpses of love, sex, family and that underworld of pain, loss and dark coldness between parents and children, siblings, lovers and strangers. The blues and despair in her poems, immediate and powerful as the worlds of any woman who moves from darkness and cold into the green world of rebirth, light and flowers, highlights “the combination of eros, ebullience and triste, or sadness,” a Lifshin trademark.