Steven Barthelme
Steven Barthelme was born in Texas, schooled at Boston College, University of Texas, and Johns Hopkins University. He has published short stories in periodicals including the Atlantic Monthly, Esquire Online, Epoch, Boulevard, Massachusetts Review, Columbia, Swink, McSweeeney’s, Yale Review, in Pushcart and other anthologies, and in the collection And He Tells the Little Horse the Whole Story (1987). He has published poetry in journals including Negative Capability, New American Writing, and Southern Review. He co-wrote, with his brother Frederick, Double Down, a memoir about their family and ill-starred careers as gamblers, issued by Houghton Mifflin, 1999. His nonfiction work has been published in the New York Times, New York Times Magazine, Los Angeles Times, Washington Post, Houston Chronicle, Elle Decor, Texas Observer, Oxford American, Connecticut Review, and other newspapers, magazines, and quarterlies. He is currently teaching in the Center for Writers at the University of Southern Mississippi in Hattiesburg, Mississippi.