
Skylit Interview: Kristen Millares Young, SUBDUCTION

Date: July 20, 2020

Fleeing the shattered remains of her marriage and a betrayal by her sister, in the throes of a midlife freefall, Latina anthropologist Claudia Ranks retreats from Seattle to Neah Bay, […]


Date: July 20, 2020

This remarkable novel, just published in April 2020, opens with a 1968 Detroit anti–Vietnam War peace march when “guerrilla theater tactics” that results in an injured policeman, and the two […]

Poet Lory Bedikian says poetry is her release

Date: July 16, 2020

When Lory Bedikian was a girl, she sat under her parents’ orange tree in the backyard and collected flowers and took the leaves and blossoms and rolled them up like […]

Hoopla: July Riveting Reads

Date: July 16, 2020

Hoopla featured Aimee Liu’s Glorious Boy on their list of Riveting Reads for July 2020. Find the entire list here.

Read Your Way Around the World

Date: July 15, 2020

With travel plans cancelled for the foreseeable future, we’re all looking for new ways to feel transported from our homes, without putting our families at risk. That’s where these book […]

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Anchorage Daily News: Review of Mostly Water

Date: June 30, 2020

The best memoirs invite us into the interesting minds of writers, carry us into territories we might not have tread ourselves and leave us with new perspectives on life. Some […]

Denali Sunrise: Review of Mostly Water

Date: June 30, 2020

Water flows over and through the pebbles on the cover of Mostly Water: Reflections Rural and North. Water connects. Mary Odden, a long-time resident of rural Alaska, has graced us with this […]

Writers’ Voices: Aimee Liu Sets

Date: June 30, 2020

In the South Asian archipelago known as the Andaman Islands, aboriginal tribes thrived for 60,000 years before the onset of British colonialism nearly wiped them out. Best selling novelist Aimee […]

Washington Independent Review of Books: Glorious Boy

Date: June 30, 2020

Aimee Liu’s fourth novel, Glorious Boy — a family drama set against the backdrop of World War II and the rumblings of Indian independence from British colonialist rule — is big, ambitious, […] Reviews Toward Antarctica

Date: June 5, 2020

Reading poet Elizabeth Bradfield’s latest collection, Toward Antarctica: An Exploration, may not be as dramatic as actually visiting the continent, but it will likely be as close as many of us will get. Thanks […]

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