Motel Girl

These stories take the reader on journeys realist and absurd, meta-fictional and post-modern. Motel Girl is peopled by the colorful, the transcendent, the sane and insane—by egoists, self-deprecators, demons and drunks, by the well-meaning, and by monsters. From a Muscovite torn between the affections of her live-in bear and her boyfriend to a corporate bureaucrat who discovers the secret to immortality in a decrepit art museum, from a vengeful adolescent motel clerk to a legal proofreader poisoned on a subway platform, these short stories play by rules that might seem unorthodox to some, refreshing to others. This collection is proof that the form is alive and well—and breaking new ground—in the first decade of the 21st century.

Motel Girl amounts to an exploration of the contemporary laws of romance, longing and sex, of how the computerized, branded universe is now fully integrated into the fabric of our thought and behavior. Join in the journey, a frenetic and disarming joy ride. Taken as a whole, these stories create a new paradigm for the American short story, an expansion in narrative reach, creative power, and experimentation.

Black text stating Motel Girl Stories by Greg Sanders with 4 blue doors in a line underneath, the third door slightly ajar, over a background of white and orange concentric circles.

Greg Sanders ( Author Website )

Publication Date: September 1, 2008

Genre/Imprint: Fiction, Red Hen Press

$19.95 Tradepaper

Shop: Red Hen, Bookshop, Barnes & Noble

ISBN: 978-1-59709-111-4

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Publishers Weekly, September 22, 2008

Realistic absurdity ties together the short stories of Sanders’s intelligent and funny collection. Throughout, unsuspecting protagonists become entangled in bizarre (and yet vaguely believable) situations. There’s Nadya, the Moscow-based freelance […]

The Los Angeles Times, December 28, 2008

Describing people, creating them from the ground up, is a slippery thing. They don’t stand still, like objects. Every fresh breeze, new thought, distant sound sets them trembling like leaves […]

Rain Taxi reviews Motel Girl

Rain Taxi Review of Books, Vol. 13 No.4, Winter 2008/2009: Greg Sanders’s prose will make you wake up and smell the latte, the Rioja, or maybe the gourmet cat food (“Hearty […]

Existential Treadmill (American Book Review)

The stories in Greg Sanders's debut collection are difficult to categorize. They owe a debt to Franz Kafka and fabulists like Jorge Luis Borges but seem just as strongly to […]

Time Out London, April 24, 2008

Time Out LondonMotel Girl (Red Hen Press) is the debut collection of New York writer Greg Sanders. Like many debut collections it draws material from a decade of writing, going […]