
Electric Lit spotlights COFFEE, SHOPPING, MURDER, LOVE

Date: January 30, 2023

“17 Small Press Books from 2022 that You Might Have Missed” includes Coffee, Shopping, Murder, Love by Carlos Allende. “Coffee, Shopping, Murder, Love plays with the tropes of crime fiction by […]

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New Review of SUITOR by The Georgia Review!

Date: December 10, 2020

We are all, in this pandemic, a living elegy; there are loves, possibilities, selves, ways of life that are dead, a mobile mortality poets have always known and used their […]

THE WILDERNESS featured in Green Mountains Review

Date: November 30, 2020

Maurya Simon’s The Wilderness: New and Selected Poems 1980-2016 (Red Hen Press 2018, 218 pages) represents a life of questioning and perception, whether the scene is a backyard or a street in […]

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