
Nickole Brown Wins NEA Fellowship

Date: December 8, 2008

Nickole Brown, author of Sister (Red Hen Press, 2007), was awarded a $25,000 NEA Fellowship for 2009. For more information, please see:

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House Arrest Reviewed by Psychology Today

Date: May 24, 2012

Bella DePaulo from Psychology Today posted a fantastic review of Ellen Meeropol's newest book, House Arrest: "I didn't plan to do so, but I read it straight through until I […]

Kennebec Journal loves Ellen Meeropol’s House Arrest

Date: April 24, 2012

Kennebec Journal says that "Meeropol deftly combines her medical experience with solid writing talent to produce a suspenseful yet warm and sensitive story that explores right and wrong, the unequal […]

Escape Pod reviews Fade to Black

Date: April 24, 2012

In a recent review, Escape Pod had this to say about Fade to Black by Josh Pryor- "If you like science, CSI, stories that take place in Antarctica, or lots-of-people-crammed-into-a-small-space-slowly-going-mad, […]

Books in Brief reviews Michael Quadland’s Offspring

Date: March 19, 2012

Veteran David Willson has just reviewed Offspring on "Books in Brief," an online feature that complements “Books in Review,” which runs in The VVA Veteran, the national magazine of Vietnam […]

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